Education Europe Group Ltd. is a non-governmental umbrella organization with presence in Eastern Europe, the United States, and Mexico.
We offer innovative educational programs focused on diaspora language education and early childhood development. Our mission is to promote equitable access to education for individuals worldwide, regardless of age, background, or origin.
Our Mission
To design socio-educational programs that ensure access to quality education and essential life skills for children, adolescents, and adults.
Our Vision
To advance social justice and contribute to the Global Development Agenda in Latin America and Eastern Europe.
Education Europe Group
Office Europe
Education Europe Group Kft.
Gaál Mózes u. 5-7. III. em. 316., 1088, Budapest
Tax id. 26736693242
Tel. +36 302064067
Office United States
SLC Education LLC
111 NE 1st ST
Suite 522
33132 Miami, Florida
Tel. +1 (786) 598-1688